Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ignorance at it's finest

This entry is erring a little bit on the side of personal. Aside from the outrageous philosophy and ideals of these women, their gross misrepresentation of feminists, and their blatant (in my opinion) misinterpretation of the Bible, this is something I find myself relating to in a way. Not because I subscribe to any of their views, but because I was raised very conservatively. Women did not lead my church and the female portion of the congregation was made up primarily of housewives/homemakers. In my church, there was a particularly conservative “clique” if you will of people who would probably identify with much of what was said in this documentary.

That being said, the women interviewed for this documentary, like the women I observed in my own church, fail to take into account the way the world has changed and evolved from what it once was. The ideas they purport are to me, sad and deluded. These women behave as if they have no personal worth, no value or confidence in themselves or their abilities beyond staying at home with their families. They believe women shouldn’t lead in the workplace, in politics, or even their own homes. The antiquated idea that men should have a job and provide for their families while their wives cook, clean and rear children holds no water when one considers that females have an equal amount to offer in other aspects of life. Women were created with brains equal to and in some cases, superior to, those of men. Put them to use and accomplishments beyond what any of these short-sighted women think are possible could be achieved.

Ponder this for example: what if women never entered the field of medicine? Perhaps it will be a woman scientist or medical researcher who will discover the cure for cancer. Maintaining that women should do nothing other than remain at home selfishly and effectively reduces and eliminates a large percentage of what could be in the field of the unknown. Limiting themselves only to the goals these women set for themselves does nothing to contribute to a productive and progressive society. This is what these women fail to acknowledge in their self-righteous assessment of the “correct” lifestyle a woman should choose for herself.

This is a link to the original essay by John Knox, which the documentary takes it's name from.

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