Monday, November 9, 2009

Thelma and Louise

The movie Thelma and Louise was not at all what I thought it would be. It proved much deeper and more thought provoking than I had originally anticipated. Of course while extraordinarily unrealistic, I found myself relating to each character in different ways. The bond between these two women was very relatable as I am lucky enough to have several friendships I could compare it to. I feel as though the writers of this movie were determined to paint men in a negative light. Every time they turned around they were being screwed over. Every man, save the detective, was selfish stereotypical male character. Still, it was enjoyable to watch the journey of growth and to see these women empowered through their stint of illegal activity. I think it’s interesting to contrast the way this liberation manifested itself in each woman. In Thelma it was far more obvious primarily because she had been so oppressed by her relationship with her husband so her growth was much less gradual and far more prominent. Louise was far more cautious and practical (or at least tried to be) about everything they did. It took her much longer to get on board with everything Thelma was doing. I liked this movie. I don’t think it’s a movie I want to watch again anytime soon but I appreciate being set straight on the content. I was somewhat disappointed in the ending. I feel as though it fit, but I would have liked to see it end differently.

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